Self Hosting
Self Hosting.
Deploy with Docker
Before you begin, ensure you have the following:
Basic knowledge of Docker and containerization principles.
Docker and Docker Compose are installed on your machine.
Using this sample file as a reference create a docker.env file or environment in docker-compose.yml to contain the environment variables for your installation.
Install Docker and Docker Compose:
For macOS users, you can install them by Homebrew:
For Windows users, you can install them by Chocolatey:
Create a docker-compose.yml
an example configuration with all dependencies dockerized and environment variables is as follows:
Run on your own computer
Deploy to a public server
In this way, you need to provide independent installation of postgres and redis and update the configuration information in the .env file
Run it
Make sure you are in the same directory as docker-compose.yml and start Usertour:
When you run this command, by default, it does the following:
Create a database
Run the migrations
Start the Usertour app on port 8011
You can now navigate to http://<server ip>:8011 or and see the login screen. Usertour itself does not perform SSL termination. It only runs on unencrypted HTTP. If you want to run on HTTPS you also need to set up a reverse proxy in front of the server.
After successful installation, a test account will be automatically generated: username: password: secret42 After successful login, it is strongly recommended that you change your password
Install Usertourjs
Installing Usertour enables you to display content (e.g., modals, tooltips, checklists, launchers) live to your users. It also helps send targeting information (User Properties and Events) to Usertour so you can reach the right audience at the right time.